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Which is better for your skin? Sun Block or Sunscreen?

Sun protection is essential for healthy skin, and there are two types of products commonly used for this purpose: sunscreens and sunblocks. While both types of products aim to protect the skin from the harmful effects of the sun, they work in different ways and have different benefits and drawbacks.

Which is better for your skin? Sun Block or Sunscreen?

Sun protection is essential for healthy skin, and there are two types of products commonly used for this purpose: sunscreens and sunblocks. While both types of products aim to protect the skin from the harmful effects of the sun, they work in different ways and have different benefits and drawbacks.

How Customized skincare products can HELP or KILL your skin?

Customized skincare products have gained popularity in recent years, with many companies offering tailored skincare regimens to meet the specific needs and preferences of each individual. While there are potential benefits to using customized skincare products, there are also serious drawbacks to consider.

How do we do natural skincare formulations and OEM manufacturing?

The production of skincare products in a laboratory involves a series of rigorous and systematic procedures.

What are the top 5 skin problems in South East Asia and how can natural skincare help?

The top 5 skin problems in Southeast Asia are acne, hyperpigmentation, melasma, eczema, and psoriasis. 

How does Arbutin whiten your skin?

Arbutin is a safe and effective skin lightening agent that is less likely to cause skin irritation than other commonly used ingredients, such as hydroquinone.

what is a skincare trial and why is it important to you as a Singapore natural skincare consumer?

A skincare trial is a scientific study conducted to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of a skincare product, and it is important for consumers as it provides reliable information about the product's effectiveness, safety, and can help drive innovation in the skincare industry.

How can I lighten / whiten my skin safely & responsibly?

Historically, fair skin has been associated with wealth and privilege, as those who worked outside in the sun often had darker skin. This association has persisted in many cultures, and fair skin is often seen as a symbol of beauty and success. However, we think all skin colors are beautiful...

Why that Korean / Japanese / Western Skincare may not be best for your skin?

There are some general characteristics that are often associated with Japanese / Korean skin as compared to Malaysian and Singaporean skin. With the added influence of the climate, it may explain why your Japanese / Korean brand skincare may not be working best for your skin. Read more... 

How is Asian Skin Different?

In comparison, Caucasians develop wrinkling earlier and more extensively. External influences, such as differences in diet, exposure to sunlight, and culture undoubtedly play a role in this. Biologically, differences between Caucasians and Asians are due to the melanocytic pathways operating in either skin type, although the data seem to suggest...

7 Reasons to switch to natural skincare

This will make you rethink your skincare routine You might buy organic fruits and vegetables, but do you apply the same principles to your beauty routine? A recent report from the Soil Association highlighted that the organic health and beauty market has risen by a whopping 21.6 per cent in the...


How you wash your face can make a difference in your appearance. Follow these tips from dermatologists to help you keep your face looking healthy.